Can a rope access program using rope access technicians with certifications from other rope access organizations meet the requirements of SPRAT’s Safe Practices for Rope Access Work?


Section 8.1.1 of SPRAT’s Safe Practices for Rope Access Work states that “currently certified rope access technicians shall be used to conduct all rope access operations.”

A component of SPRAT’s definition of a rope access technician, found in SPRAT’s Defined Terms,  is “person who has completed a rope access certification program.”

While not a requirement, Section 6.2.1 of SPRAT’s Safe Practices for Rope Access Work states that “certifications should be maintained in accordance with [SPRAT’s] Certification Requirements for Rope Access Work.” This recommendation is provided along with the requirement of Section 6.1.1 of Safe Practices for Rope Access Work which  states that “training shall be provided to all rope access technicians and prospective personnel, at a minimum, in a manner consistent Certification Requirements for Rope Access Work” as these two standards are designed to work together to assist in ensuring a comprehensive rope access program.

Category: Safe Practices