General Information
SPRAT’s Board of Directors is pleased to release the documentation for the new work-at-height certification program. Designed to parallel SPRAT’s existing rope access certification program, the work-at-height program establishes a certification with performance-based criteria to ensure a baseline minimum of skills for the use of personal fall protection systems. The Board of Directors believes a performance-based certification for additional forms of fall protection provides an opportunity for the organization to further contribute to the overall safety of the work-at-height industry and to provide a clearer pathway between other forms of fall protection and rope access. The documentation includes:
Work-at-Height Certification Requirements:
The document proposes seven exercise requirements, each focusing on the minimization of free fall potential during the use of and transition between fall protection systems, with evaluation criteria based on performance principles and a grading scheme matching SPRAT’s rope access evaluation. Examples of successful completion of the exercises required for the work-at-height certification can be found here. Ensure closed captioning is on to view exercise descriptions.
Work-at-Height Evaluation Guidelines:
A supplement for the Work-at-Height Certification Requirements that provides grading examples for use of the various fall protection systems, lesson considerations for preparing candidates to complete each exercise, evaluation site requirements, and fall protection system and component templates for inclusion in an evaluation site’s work-at-height plan.
These documents are further supplemented by other approved SPRAT documentation, including SPRAT’s Clearance Requirement Guidelines and Presiding Regulatory Authority Reference.
The Board of Directors hopes for your participation in this new program, and encourages any and all feedback.
Get Certified
A SPRAT certification provides instant recognition and credibility for the Technicians who carry it, and the companies who invest in it. In turn, companies that hire rope access services will look for the SPRAT certification, and will know you offer the industry’s best in technical achievement.
Membership in the organization is open to any company or individual interested in furthering the interest of rope access. Current members include a broad cross-section of commercial industry, professional services, and government agencies.
Member consensus and committee developed standards, guidelines, policies and procedure drafted with modern regulations and geographic requirements in mind and built for the benefit of the current technician, company and general member.
The SPRAT Office can be reached Monday through Friday,
between the hours of 8.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. Eastern Time
- Address : 994 Old Eagle School Road; Suite 1019
Wayne, PA 19087-1866 - Phone : +1-610.971.4850
- Fax : +1-610.971.4859
- Membership & Other General Inquiries
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