What are the 6 fall protection exercises?


The exercises are:

  1. Travel restraint
    • Candidate establishes and uses travel restraint system near an unprotected edge.
  2. Overhead self-retracting devices
    • Candidate transitions between an overhead self-retracting device and another fall arrest system.
  3. Ladder climb systems
    • Candidate transitions between a ladder climb system and another fall arrest system.
  4. Horizontal lifeline system
    • Candidate transitions between horizontal lifeline system and another fall arrest system.
  5. Energy absorbing lanyards and backup system (vertical lifeline)
    • Candidate transitions between energy absorbing lanyards and backup system.
  6. Energy absorbing lanyards and rope access system in descent mode
    • Candidate transitions between energy absorbing lanyards and descent mode.

Examples of successful completion of the exercises required for the fall protection certification may be found here. Ensure closed captioning is on to view exercise descriptions.

Category: Fall Protection